who killed the electric car

Just watched “who killed the electric car”, its actually on youtube for all those who did not know. The films is very informative on the factors that influence the development of the automotive industry. Possibly one of the most possibiliy shocking things is that personally,  I never knew that a fully functional consumer electric car exsisted. Even when I started watching the film I still believed that the electric car refered to was the concept of one.

But it is this realisation that I felt was best learnt from the video. Even in the video, there are example of consumers who did not know of this vehichle and its capabilities. The examples of comsumer distrust and unwillingness to accept this change was also reflected in the lack of knowlage.

This idea of cosumer acceptance and understanding is something that needs to be changed, and with regards to designing the air powered motorcycle it is something that can be related into the design and marketing process.

~ by pryde4114 on August 20, 2010.

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